Saturday, March 14, 2009

Menu Plan for the Week of March 15th

The first step in saving major money at the grocery store is to plan out your week's menu. I tend to only "plan" my dinners because my children aren't very creative in their lunch choices...we rotate between yogurt, cheese and crackers, sandwiches and fruit, etc. so as long as I keep those things on hand, there's usually no need to "plan" them out. Breakfast doesn't rotate much either. I keep muffin mixes, frozen waffles, eggs, cereal and the like on hand and that keeps everyone satisfied through the week.
Dinners are where I focus my planning energy and then I make my shopping list from there. I incorporate the week's plans (my husband's lacrosse games, my voice lesson nights, etc.) in the meal plan so that I can prepare for the fact that I'll only be feeding the kids on some nights or maybe I'll only be feeding "the boys" on others.

Here's this week's meal plan:

Sunday: Chicken Pie (I'll share this recipe with you tomorrow because it's the easiest, most fantastic, everyone-likes-it-dinner that I know of.)
Monday: Everything Baked Potato Lasagna (this is a new recipe...I'll let you know how it turns out), rolls from the breadmaker
Tuesday: *Lacrosse Game & Voice Lessons* Grilled Cheese and pretzels with fruit
Wednesday: Grilled Chicken, Fried Corn, another veggie that looks good at the grocery store
Thursday: Pork Chops, butterbeans, pasta
Friday: *Lacrosse Game* Easy Turkey Stromboli (another recipe I'll share)
Saturday: OUT!

Clearly, everything is subject to change. If we get a wild hair to go out to eat during the week, then the meals will just shift to make up for it. Flexibility is important! (Especially if it's been a long day and Mama doesn't feel like sweatin' it out in the kitchen!)

1 comment:

  1. How did the Everything Baked Potato Lasagna turn out?? Looking forward to a good answer...and recipe. It sure sounds tasty?!
