Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Who doesn't love Target? I'll tell ya, though. I'm not a fan of Target's prices. I usually don't even darken the doors of the place unless they've got some killer deals because there's just too much temptation. Today was a great day of deals, though, so let me fill you in and then you can jump on these deals before they're gone!

Here's what I bought at Target today:

Total OOP (out of pocket): $4.00

Yep. FOUR DOLLARS. And it would've been less than $2.00 if I hadn't caved on the animal crackers. But hey--we've all gotta live a little, right?

Let me tell you how I did this and then you can find these deals yourself. They're all printable coupons online. In addition to the newspaper, there are MOUNTAINS of coupons to be found online. There are a few major sites and then there are several other smaller sites that just pop up with good deals from time to time.

First off, Target will let you combine one store coupon with one manufacturer's coupon. They are a tiny bit anal about their policies (anyone tried to return anything to Target without a receipt? You might as well sell your firstborn) so you have to make sure you have your ducks in a row before you get to checkout. 

Here's how I snagged these deals:

Huggies Wipes: Original price $5.99.
 I used a $5.00 off coupon HERE

**Internet coupons will usually print twice per computer. Just use your browser's back button and it should print again. If you have more than one computer in the house, take advantage! Often these coupons will be "reset" after a week or so and you can print them all over again.**

Huggies Wipes: $.99

They are specific as to which KIND of wipe you have to buy--Gentle Care or Natural care or whatever, so pay attention to what you grab or the deal won't work. You can also use this deal on diapers if you choose, but the Gentle Care diapers only go up to about a size 2, so you'll only be able to do that if you've got an itty-bitty one at home.

**Snoop around on that printable site I linked you to up there. Print off anything that might be of value. There are also $3.00 off Huggies coupons as well and those will still make for some mighty cheap wipes...especially if they go on sale somewhere next week. (Which they will, I'm sure.)**

Riceworks Chip: Original Price $2.99
I used a "get one FREE coupon" HERE

Hooray for FREE! And I guess the $2.99 is a sale price because the computer actually gave me a $3.50 credit for it, which means I got a $.51 credit for them. Hooray for MORE than FREE!! And turns out, they're yummy! :)

Riceworks Chips: FREE + $.51 credit!

Mott's Applesauce: Original Price $1.69
I used one $1.00 off Target coupon HERE  and
one $.55 manufacturer coupon HERE

The Target coupon you can print about as many times as you want, I believe. The site makes it look a little like you need to sign up, but you don't. And there are lots of other Target deals there that are worth printing while you're at it. The manufacturer coupon, I believe you can print twice per computer. Again, take advantage of that second (or third!) computer in your world.

Applesauce: $.14 each

So those are the Target deals. Good stuff, right? No reason why you can't make those happen for up the printer and get started! 

Just resist the temptation to buy all the other overpriced stuff while you're there!!!'s all about self-discipline!

1 comment:

  1. Question about the Mott's coupons...the printable Target ones say "one offer per transaction". Were you able to get all 4 of your packages at one time?
