Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Easter Parties

Tonight was the night for baking Easter cupcakes at my house. My older son's Easter party at preschool is tomorrow and I created some cute bunny cupcakes that I thought I'd share with you just in case you're trying to figure out something for a family, church or school get-together. These were really pretty easy to put together and you can take this "template" of an idea and make just about anything. They definitely look "home-made" but that's okay sometimes. It's been a long day around here and I needed something I could put together without breaking the bank or my back.

The supplies are:
2 containers of white icing: I dyed one container blue and then took a little out of the other white container and dyed it red to make the mouths. 
ziploc bags for piping
pink sugar
star sprinkles
Starburst candy
chocolate sprinkles
large marshmallows

The icing and cake mix I got nearly free during a Publix BOGO sale. The sprinkles, marshmallows and sugar and candy I got for about a dollar each at Wal Mart. This was a super cheap project. 

The Method:
Ice each cupcake blue (or whatever color you choose). Cut each marshmallow into thirds cross-ways. Take one third and cut it in half to make the ears. Dip the sticky side down into the pink sugar and then place them on the cupcake. Put about half the white icing into a baggie and clip off one corner to make a piping bag. Pipe white onto the cupcake to make the bunny's head. Cute a small piece of a pink Starburst candy and roll it in your fingers until you can form it into a nose. (You could also use pink jelly beans for this, but my Wal Mart was all sold out!) Put the stars on for eyes, the chocolate sprinkles on for whiskers. Dye a bit of the icing red, put it in a bag and then snip the tiniest corner off and pipe on a mouth.

Happy Spring Break, everyone! It's almost here!!!

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