Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Hooray! I found my comments! Sorry I didn't post them sooner. Apparently I'm set to "moderate" them, so I'll keep a better watch. Thanks for reading, guys, and thank you for the suggestions. I'm excited to know that you're out there and that you're interested in this stuff. Tomorrow I'll post my meal plan process for the week and I'll let you in on some great websites to check for deals. I'll also let you know where to look for coupons...they're not just in the Sunday paper anymore. (Although, it's still your best bet!) Keep your thoughts coming and let me know how I can help you...I can't wait to hear your success stories!

Oh! And tomorrow I'm doing some shopping out and about for "research" purposes, so I'll probably have some fantastic deals to let you in on from Victoria's Secret, Bath and Body Works, Target and CVS.

See you soon!!!

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