Tuesday, March 10, 2009

This Week's Publix Trip

I don't know if it's going to be helpful to read every gory detail of every single shopping trip that I make, but I thought I would at least post a pic for you of what I bought at Publix this week and give you a couple of helpful hints about shopping at Publix.

Publix is my favorite place to shop for a number of reasons:
  1. Their customer service is fantastic. I drive around my elbow to get to my "friendly neighborhood Publix" because the people are so darn nice. They actually try to help me with my coupons to make sure that they all go through and they never give me lip about the number of coupons I use or the amount of time it takes in their line. This cannot be said of all grocery stores (or all Publixes--Publi?) but I LOVE my particular store. They are so blasted helpful, I just can't stand it.
  2. Their coupon policy is second to none. PUBLIX WILL ACCEPT ANY COMPETITOR'S COUPONS!!! Check with your particular store to see exactly what that means, but for me, I can use Walgreen's, CVS, Rite-Aid, Kroger, Wal Mart, you name it. They'll take 'em all. It can add up to some MONSTROUS deals.
  3. Publix doubles coupons .50 and under. This is just like Kroger, but the exciting part is...
  4. AT PUBLIX YOU CAN STACK COUPONS. Stacking simply means that you can use more than one coupon on one item. At Publix the rule is that you can stack one store coupon with one manufacturer's coupon. THIS CAN MEAN BIG SAVINGS! Publix very frequently puts out their own store coupons and knowing you can stack on a manufacturer's coupon (that can be doubled if it's .50 or under!!) means good things for your bottom line.

Granted, overall Publix is a bit more expensive than Kroger, but with the savings that are possible through their generous BOGO (Buy One Get One Free, remember?) offers each week and their fabulous coupon policy, I often come out spending less at Publix than I would if I bought the same items at Kroger.

So here's what I got at Publix this week. I think I used a coupon on every single item except possibly the Macaroni and Cheese (which was BOGO) and the Klondikes (BOGO) and the ground beef. Also the photo doesn't include the two double papers I bought for $2.34 each as well.

Grand total: $35.61.

Here's the exciting part, though:
Savings Summary:
Store Coupons: -$8.99
Vendor Coupons: -$5.24
Advertised Special Savings: -$22.75

For a grand total savings of: $36.98!! 

I SAVED more than I SPENT! 
And that's my weekly goal. If I can accomplish that through strategies and coupons, then I feel like it was a week's work well spent.

Now if I can just figure out who's been eating the Klondike bars.....


  1. Ok so I am reading this and going to share your blog on my blog to get you more viewers. LOVE IT! Now...I want to know where you get coupons from? I NEED to start this ASAP and want to know where to be looking this week.

    Thank you, thank you for doing this!!

  2. I have to say that one of my favorite things about Publix is the penny item. Gotta love it. My grandma now calls to tell me what it is.... she likes spoiling the surprise.

  3. I don't know if you can teach an old dog new tips, but I'm gonna read your blog and see what happens! By the way....you're good at this!

  4. Loving all the tips!!
    FYI -- Kroger takes competitor coupons now too!!! :)
