Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Importance of the Pantry

While we're on the subject of "stocking up", I thought it would be helpful to see how I organize my stash of food. Let it be said that if there is a nuclear disaster, you can rest assured that we are eating well for quite a long time on the stash we have at our house. Today we'll just look at the grocery stash...I'll show you the drugstore monstrosity later.

I keep two pantries. One in my kitchen that is actually my "working" pantry. It holds all things that have been opened...cereal, granola bars, etc. along with things that I use daily or almost daily in my regular cooking...rice (if it's opened), pasta (ditto), breadcrumbs, jello, whatever. The kitchen pantry looks like this:

Okay, so in addition to the kitchen pantry, I also have the laundry room pantry. This guy is adjacent to the kitchen, so it's super convenient, but it doesn't really have to be as long as it's organized. If the best you've got is some space in your basement, take it--it's worth it to have the space to stock up on things you know are a great deal. My LR pantry looks like this:

(We'll do another post on my freezer another day. It's a whole 'nother ballgame.)

Like I said, though, in the event of a nuclear holocaust, the party's at my place.

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